A Glimpse into My Journey

One step at a time.

10 Lessons Yoga has Taught Me So Far

I’ve recently started to do yoga on a regular basis.  It started with wanting to feel more calm, aware, and present, as well as to challenge myself with something new, but nothing super intense like Cross Fit or training for a marathon. 💁IMG_6532

I began doing Fightmaster Yoga’s “Yoga Fix 90” on YouTube, thinking it wouldn’t be too hard, since it’s… “just yoga.”  A few days into it, I had to find an easier series, so I opted for the “Yoga for Beginners 30 Day Challenge” instead.  Much better.  I hadn’t intended to keep doing yoga consistently after this, but after finishing those 30 days (though not always consecutively), I felt really refreshed and proud of myself.  I wanted more.

I decided to give “Yoga Fix 90” another try.  This time, I felt much more prepared.  Lesson learned: do not underestimate the importance of building a solid foundation.

Upon further reflecting, I’ve come up with 10 lessons (or reminders) yoga has taught me so far:

  1. It’s not about the pose.  It’s not about perfection.
  2. Listen to our breath.  Slow down.  Whatever happens (in yoga and in life), we can always come back to our breath.
  3. It’s not about flexibility, but we will become more flexible.  Our posture will also improve.
  4. Don’t be afraid to try something new.  We only fail if we never try.
  5. It’s okay to fall.  Just get back up.
  6. Gratitude for each moment.
  7. Prioritizing.  “I don’t have time” is not an excuse.  We make time for 30 minutes of yoga.
  8. We are all on our own journey.
  9. Balance takes practice.  Literally.
  10. Humility.  Yoga is not easy.  Do not judge before trying something.

“Humility is the solid foundation of all virtues.” – Kong Fu Zi

Questions: Have you tried yoga before?  If so, what are your thoughts on it?  What kinds of physical activity do you enjoy?

13 comments on “10 Lessons Yoga has Taught Me So Far

  1. calmkate
    May 16, 2017

    Hi Fluffy … yes I did three years of Hatha Yoga in order to be able to sit cross legged for meditation and it worked wonderfully .. but shortly after I broke my back and required major spinal surgery so with both sciatic nerves severely damaged I meditate in a chair! lol Have done a few Hatha Yoga sessions since but the teachers didn’t measure up to my first. Like your ten points above and I would add that you will find your mind/heart/ attitude will also become more flexible if you keep it up. There are a lot of benefits as you are learning …

    Liked by 2 people

    • fluffysteps
      May 16, 2017

      I still remember being the least flexible person when I was in middle school, but consistent practice makes a world of difference. Meditation is wonderful as well. I really should practice that more often. I’m so sorry to hear what you had to go through. Hope things are okay now. Thank you so much for your comment and your input! Looking forward to discovering more benefits of yoga. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • calmkate
        May 16, 2017

        I was quite lame for 12 years but kept walking, now people have absolutely no idea … I just can’t sit cross legged anymore. Both have huge benefits so keep them up!

        Liked by 2 people

      • fluffysteps
        May 17, 2017

        Walking is excellent! I love walking as much as I can. I find it very relaxing as well. I think as long as you feel good, that’s all that matters. Other people’s opinions are secondary. I do hope I can stay consistent! Take care!

        Liked by 1 person

      • calmkate
        May 17, 2017

        Yes it’s most important that if you miss a day or two because life gets in the way that you keep going as soon as you can. So many drop off/out first time they miss a session.

        Liked by 1 person

      • fluffysteps
        May 19, 2017

        Yes, thanks for bringing that up! I’ve learned that as well when I missed a day or two. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Yoga is a good art that makes mind and body healthy

    Liked by 2 people

    • fluffysteps
      May 16, 2017

      Yes, I agree! I used to focus more on physical health, but I’ve learned that mental health is equally, if not more, important.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Reflecting: Light | What's (in) the picture?

  4. Lightness Traveling
    May 21, 2017

    You have my utmost respect. If I can ever get my heels back onto the ground when crouching (the Asian bad-boy squat), that would be enough for me. I prefer to meditate in less uncomfortable positions.

    Liked by 2 people

    • fluffysteps
      May 21, 2017

      It all takes time and practice! We can all take things one step at a time (literally). 😉 Progress over perfection. I enjoy meditating as well but haven’t gotten into the habit of doing it daily. I once took a meditation class, and it was one of my favorite classes ever.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. my one life. today
    May 21, 2017

    I like your lessons, especially 1 and 9. When I first tried yoga I totally overdid it, pushing myself way too hard, striving for doing it perfectly. From the start of course. It ties in nicely with number 9. Balance takes practice, both in yoga and in life.

    Liked by 2 people

    • fluffysteps
      May 21, 2017

      I can relate! I actually did not enjoy yoga when I first started because I just wanted to do it as fast as I can, as perfectly as I can. The perfectionist in me didn’t allow me to slow down and enjoy every moment of peace. It wanted me to do more strenuous exercises and tire my body down. But I’m glad I stuck with it because I’ve heard the many benefits of doing it, and now I can feel those benefits. 🙂 Yes, extremes are easy, but balance takes practice.

      Liked by 1 person

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