A Glimpse into My Journey

One step at a time.

The more, the better…?

Society has led many of us to believe that the more we have, the happier we will become.  When we finally make that purchase for a new TV, a new mattress, a new pair of leather shoes, a new phone, we will be happy.  The bigger, the better.  The more, the better.  At least that’s how the advertisements and magazines portray it.  They wouldn’t dare lie to us, would they??


Bigger = better?

Many people fail to realize when we associate our happiness with material objects, we will never be satisfied.  Our thirst will never be quenched.  When we gain one more item in our possession, our goal will continuously change.  That peg that was once ten feet away will now jump to ten miles away.  We will never reach that peg.  The constantly advancing technology prevents us from fully keeping up with the latest trends.

Think about that nice sweater we bought on sale and felt happy with and proud of.  We may have felt a temporary burst of joy, but how long did that feeling last?  Before we knew it, our eyes have likely darted to another pair of jeans, and the vicious cycle of always desiring more continues.

If we associate material objects with our happiness, the moment we lose our possessions, our happiness would disappear.  Wouldn’t that be pathetic if our happiness can be taken away from us just like that?

However, if we begin to link our happiness to intangible things, like family, love, friendship, gratitude, things someone cannot take away, we would live every day with so much more joy because we can remain happy and satisfied with everything we already have at each present moment, things that are truly priceless.  We do not need to look forward to the mansion we want to buy, the lottery we hope to win, the salary we aim to earn, because we can be happy with our lives now.

“Celebrate, embrace, and appreciate everything you have and everything you are, for everything we have is temporary, and when we leave, it doesn’t matter what we had, what matters is what we gave.” – Chris Lee, author of Transform Your Life

Discover Challenge: Conventional Wisdom

Question: What is something intangible that brings you great joy?

21 comments on “The more, the better…?

  1. Eleanor Mulder
    January 27, 2017

    Good advice, great timing x

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Anne J.
    January 27, 2017

    I so totally agree with you. I was with the ‘crowd’ before but as I got older, my thinking started to change.. I continue to grow; exciting times ahead.

    Liked by 1 person

    • fluffysteps
      February 3, 2017

      Thanks for sharing! It takes time to change and courage to embrace the change.:)


  3. calmkate
    January 27, 2017

    Being with good friends!

    Appreciate the sentiments expressed here thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Friendship . I feel friends are God’s gift in life.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Kiran Goswami
    January 28, 2017

    Well as the quote goes “the most important things in life aren’t things”..
    I think the best way to happiness is living in the moment and loving what you have. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • fluffysteps
      February 3, 2017

      Yes!! Exactly true! I love that quote. 🙂 It is so important to live more in the moment and be happy with what we have now instead of always wanting more. Thank you for stopping by!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. sudershana
    January 28, 2017

    Intangible then its my mom’s and dad’s smile♥

    Liked by 1 person

    • fluffysteps
      February 3, 2017

      Aww that’s very sweet! Also a great reminder to be thankful for all the little things we currently have around us.


  7. athling2001
    January 29, 2017

    Peanut butter and chocolate! Nothing better. Beyond that, so very true.

    Liked by 1 person

    • fluffysteps
      February 3, 2017

      Haha! I have to say, that is a lovely combination. 😉


  8. karmaofpeace
    January 31, 2017

    How very true! Happiness lies not in accumulating things but in finding value in what we already possess. Lovely post ☺

    Liked by 1 person

  9. shivashishspeaks
    February 12, 2017

    Amazing post

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Doctor Jonathan
    February 14, 2017

    Spending your money and time on “EXPERIENCES” brings greater joy and happiness than ANY material possession (as you note.) This kind of thinking transitions RANDOMNESS into PURPOSEFUL LIVING. New opportunities previously “hidden” by our limited awareness, reveal themselves. Noise and Distractions around us are gradually FILTERED reducing our daily stress and the physical manifestations associated with them.

    Wishing you much success discovering your own personal SOLUTIONS on your busy path in life!

    Liked by 1 person

    • fluffysteps
      February 16, 2017

      Thank you so much for your wise words. I will definitely take them into consideration.
      Take care!

      Liked by 1 person

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